Epidemiology, Etiology, Treatment, and Prevention of Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis.

שם: Epidemiology, Etiology, Treatment, and Prevention of Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis.
תאריך הגשה: 21/06/10
לאתר הקול הקורא
תיאור כללי:

The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) was established in 1991. Anne Muñoz-Furlong founded the organization after her daughter was diagnosed with milk and egg allergy as an infant. She discovered that information vital to raising a child with food allergies was not widely available.

FAAN’s membership now stands at approximately 25,000 worldwide and includes families, dietitians, nurses, physicians, school staff, and representatives from government agencies and the food and pharmaceutical industries. FAAN serves as the communication link between the patient and others.

מקור: זר
מדינות משתתפות: ישראל, ארצות הברית,
תקציב: $50,000-$150,000 annually
מס' שנים למחקר: 1-2
איש קשר: רובי, סאשה, טל' 2152
תחומים: מדעי החיים ורפואה

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