Eu Chemical Industry Council, Long-range Research Initiative (LRI): Requests for Proposals

שם: cefic lri LRI European Chemical Industry Council - Long-range Research Initiative
תאריך הגשה: 31/08/09
לאתר הקול הקורא
תיאור כללי:

31.08 | European Chemical Industry Council - Long-range Research Initiative
ECO 16. Generate a validated CBB database and validate a CBB chronic toxicity range for narcotics:  Budget in the order of €500,000 for 36 months.
B6 - Improved hazard assessment of chemical sensitizers through testing of novel markers:  Budget in the order of €700,000 for 36 months.
ECO 15. Rapid estimation of TMF using laboratory, field and computer modelling methods in aquatic organisms:  Budget in the order of €500,000 for 36 months.  *** Remember Beja
B4. Indoor environments & risk assessments:  The objective of this project would be to develop/recommend a methodology(es) that can be reliably applied in order that exposures to defined pollutants (and their inter-relationships) can be reliably predicted.  Budget in the order of €400,000 for 24 months.
B5. Realistic estimation of exposure to substances from multiple sources: The objective of this project is to propose and develop methodologies to estimate human exposure to substances that are present in numerous sources ('aggregate exposure'). The aim is to provide strategies and approaches that allow for quantitative estimations of exposure as realistic as possible. Budget in the order of €400,000 for 24 months.

מקור: זר
מדינות משתתפות: כל המדינות,
תקציב: up to 700,000 EU for 3 years
איש קשר: Dalia
תחומים: מדעים מדויקים,אנרגיה וסביבה,מדעי החיים ורפואה
סוג הקרן: הקרן אינה קרן תחרותית.

ECO 16. Generate a validated CBB database and validate a CBB chronic toxicity range for narcotics: Budget in the order of €500,000 for 36 months.
B6 - Improved hazard assessment of chemical sensitizers through testing of novel markers:  Budget in the order of €700,000 for 36 months.
ECO 15. Rapid estimation of TMF using laboratory, field and computer modelling methods in aquatic organisms:  Budget in the order of €500,000 for 36 months. 
B4. Indoor environments & risk assessments:  The objective of this project would be to develop/recommend a methodology(es) that can be reliably applied in order that exposures to defined pollutants (and their inter-relationships) can be reliably predicted.  Budget in the order of €400,000 for 24 months.
B5. Realistic estimation of exposure to substances from multiple sources: The objective of this project is to propose and develop methodologies to estimate human exposure to substances that are present in numerous sources ('aggregate exposure'). The aim is to provide strategies and approaches that allow for quantitative estimations of exposure as realistic as possible. Budget in the order of €400,000 for 24 months.

קרן ופרופילים משויכים: European Chemical Industry Council - CEFIC ,פתוח לחברי סגל הטכניון בלבד. אנא התחבר\י כדי לצפות בפרופילי המימון של הקרן (בפינה הימנית העליונה).