Leducq Foundation: International Networks of Excellence in Cardiovascular Research (LOI)

שם: Leducq Foundation: International Networks of Excellence in Cardiovascular Research (LOI)
תאריך הגשה: 06/09/23
לאתר הקול הקורא
תיאור כללי:

The program promotes internationally collaborative basic, translational, and clinical research in cardiovascular and neurovascular disease, by bringing together international teams with complementary expertise and resources. The proposals should aim to advance the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of cardiovascular and/or neurovascular disease.

Each network is built around an international research alliance involving two network coordinators, from different continents.  The Foundation will award 4 grants, up to $8,000,000 each, over 5 years.



מקור: זר
תקציב: The Foundation will award 4 grants, up to $8,000,000 each, over 5 years.
מס' שנים למחקר: 5 years
איש קשר: Robi, 2152, robertg@trdf.technion.ac.il; iris 1272, irisbr@technion.ac.il; Orly, 1588, bakarev@trdf.technion.ac.il
תחומים: מדעי החיים ורפואה
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