US-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund (BARD): US-Israel Agriculture research

שם: US-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund (BARD): US-Israel Agriculture research
תאריך הגשה: 13/09/23
לאתר הקול הקורא
תיאור כללי:

Projects conducted cooperatively by US and Israeli scientists. Covers all phases of agricultural R&D including strategic or applied research: Research areas with top priority:

  • Improved efficiency of agricultural production;
  • Plant, animal, and agricultural environment defense 
  • Agricultural production challenges in increased marginal conditions 
  • Food quality, safety, and security;
  • Soil & water, quality, and quantity;
  • Agricultural Engineering/Precision Agriculture;
  • Sustainable Agri-environmental management. 

^ Standard track: Funding: $310K over 3 years

^ Feasibility Studies:  one-year proposals for an opportunity to establish a basis for further research or to provide preliminary results for a particularly innovative idea or concept. Funding: $100K for one year.

^ Pioneer Funding Track: Supports highly innovative, projects, strong and unique with the potential of creating a significant impact on agriculture in the specific proposed area of agricultural sciences.  Funded research should yield tangible results, utilizing cutting-edge research technologies.  Funding: $600K over 3 years.

*New: Aquaculture and Desert Farming Initiative

Aims to enhance food security and production of quality protein through investment in research and development that will promote land-based aquaculture systems and desert farming. The program will fund studies that promote the understanding of biological and ecological systems related to fish, algae, and seafood. It will support investment in the advancement of fish diversity and quality.

Conducted research will aid the conservation and protection of Israel and US sea and aquatic resources.

It will also support desert farming research focused on management of agricultural production under desert conditions, with the overall objective of promoting sustainable and climate-smart agriculture. The submission process and evaluation is identical to the standard BARD submission.

BARD’s concurrent funding policies will not apply to those who submit to the Aquaculture and Desert Farming call for proposals.  Thus, investigators may submit a proposal to both programs, provided the research plan and objectives do not overlap.

Funding: Both Standard tract grants ($310,000) and Pioneer tract grants ($600,000) for a 3-years proposal will be accepted.

מקור: זר
תקציב: standard tract grants ($310,000) and Pioneer tract grants ($600,000) for a 3-years
מס' שנים למחקר: 3
איש קשר: Robi, 2152,; iris 1272,
תחומים: מדעי החיים ורפואה,אנרגיה וסביבה,מדעים מדויקים
סוג הקרן: הקרן הינה קרן תחרותית.
קרן ופרופילים משויכים: הקרן הדו-לאומית למחקר חקלאי - BARD ,פתוח לחברי סגל הטכניון בלבד. אנא התחבר\י כדי לצפות בפרופילי המימון של הקרן (בפינה הימנית העליונה).