Salt accumulation in the southern part of the Dead Sea

Name: A call for research regarding salt accumulation in the southern part of the Dead Sea
Application deadline: 01/12/09
General description:

The Dead Sea Preservation Government Company Ltd. has decided to fund research
proposals that will, at high probability, lead to the solution of problems associated
with salt accumulation in the southern part of the Dead sea ( Pond No. 5) or will minimize the
damage resulting from it.
Proposals in the following two general areas will be considered:
I. Reduction in salt input
Examples of research topics in this area:
a. Reduction in the amount of salt precipitating in pond No. 5, e.g., by removing
salt from water pumped from the northern part of the sea before the water
reaches the pond or removing salt from the water in the pond itself.
b. Processes for removing the salt already precipitated in pond No. 5 or means to
make dredging of the salt in the pond more efficient.
c. Any other means to reduce the amount of salt precipitating in pond No. 5.
II. Handling the salt
Examples of research topics in this area:
a. Ways and means to transport or store the salt removed from the sea or the
pond (2-16 million cubic m a year).
b. Uses of the removed salt.

Source: Israeli
Type of fund: The fund is not a competitive fund
Related fund and profiles: Dead Sea Preservation Government Company Ltd ,Access available for Technion staff. Please sign in to see the Agency profiles (upper left corner)