Jacobs Foundation: Program for Research on Child and Youth Development

Name: Jacobs Foundation: Program for Research on Child and Youth Development
Application deadline: 21/01/24
General description:


Competitive fellowship program for early and mid-career researchers whose work is dedicated to improving the learning and development of children and youth worldwide. The relevant disciplines include, but are not limited to, education sciences, psychology, economics, sociology, behavioral science, computer science, pedagogy, linguistics, neurosciences, and science of learning.
Particularly encouraged to apply are scholars who seek to combine multiple levels of analysis and engage in interdisciplinary work. A special focus lies on work to understand and embrace variability in learning; promote the generation, transfer, and practical application of evidence on human learning and development or increase the capacity to scale up effective education policies and practices.

FundingCHF 150’000 for 3 years. Overhead 10% (above research grant)

Source: Foreign
Budget: CHF 150’000 for 3 years. Overhead 10% (above research grant)
Contact person: Robi, 2152, robertg@trdf.technion.ac.il; iris 1272, irisbr@technion.ac.il
Fields: Life Sciences and medicine,Social Sciences and humanities
Type of fund: The fund is not a competitive fund
Related fund and profiles: Jacobs Foundation ,Access available for Technion staff. Please sign in to see the Agency profiles (upper left corner)