U.S. DOD/DARPA: Advanced Research Concepts (ARC)

Name: U.S. DOD/DARPA: Advanced Research Concepts (ARC)
Application deadline: 24/10/23
General description:


Artificial Intelligence | Autonomy | Materials | Math | Processing | Quantum | Sensors | Space |

Aim: to explore a high volume of promising new ideas for limitedscope investments. Projects will focus on answering high-risk/high-reward “what if?” questions and assessing the impact of further investment on problems of importance to the Department of Defense.

Funding: up to $300k for 12 months.


Source: Foreign
Budget: up to $300k for 12 months
Contact person: Robi, 2152, robertg@trdf.technion.ac.il; iris 1272, irisbr@technion.ac.il
Fields: Exact sciences and IT Field
Type of fund: The fund is not a competitive fund
Related fund and profiles: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - DARPA ,Access available for Technion staff. Please sign in to see the Agency profiles (upper left corner)