MacArthur Foundation: Call for Housing Research Proposals: How Housing Matters to Families and Communities - Abstract

שם: MacArthur Foundation: Call for Housing Research Proposals: How Housing Matters to Families and Communities - Abstract
תאריך הגשה: 00/00/00
לאתר הקול הקורא
תיאור כללי:

A five-year, $25M initiative on the effect that investments in housing have on social and economic outcomes, beyond shelter. Seeking to expound on the difference that living in decent, stable, and affordable housing makes in the lives of children, families, and communities, with special emphasis on how such evidence can be put to use by decision-makers to strengthen policies and programs. The Foundation is especially interested in studies that address the ways in which housing impacts the economy, as well as individual, community and regional economic success. Every applicant must clearly identify the specific policy audience that will be able to utilize their research to improve or enhance a specific policy intervention and improve outcomes being studied. Researchers might consider partnering with practitioners, in the public, nonprofit, and for-profit sectors, who can help inform their research questions and design. Funding: Up to $1 million for up to 3 years. Please send to Robi (x.2152) any abstracts for review prior to e-mail submission to the Foundation. The Foundation will be accepting questions from applicants until close of business on December 18, 2012.

מקור: זר
תקציב: Funding: Up to $1 million for up to 3 years
מס' שנים למחקר: 3
איש קשר: Robi, 2152,; Rivka, 2354,
תחומים: מדעי החברה והרוח
סוג הקרן: הקרן אינה קרן תחרותית.
קרן ופרופילים משויכים: MacArthur Foundation ,פתוח לחברי סגל הטכניון בלבד. אנא התחבר\י כדי לצפות בפרופילי המימון של הקרן (בפינה הימנית העליונה).