The University of Chicago Knowledge Lab

פרופילי מימון

פתוח לחברי סגל הטכניון בלבד. אנא התחבר\י כדי לצפות בפרופילי המימון של הקרן (בפינה הימנית העליונה).

The explosion of digital information offers an unprecedented opportunity to study the dynamics that shape human understanding, investigation and certainty. Our researchers are developing new Big Data, machine learning and crowd-sourcing approaches and techniques to:

Efficiently harvest and share knowledge and judgment from experts, people, articles, preprints, software, patient records, artifacts, videos and sensors
Learn how knowledge is made, used, certified and forgotten
Represent, recombine and generate knowledge in powerful ways
Improve knowledge generation, representation, management and innovation practices… …everywhere.

Current Knowledge Lab projects seek to catalyze research into Metaknowledge -a new field devoted to representing, recombining and generating knowledge in powerful ways across domains.

פרטי קשר:

The University of Chicago
Knowledge Lab
Computation Institute

5735 South Ellis Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60637

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