European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes and Sanofi Program for Collaborative Clinical Diabetes Research between European and Non-European Countries

Name: European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes and Sanofi Program for Collaborative Clinical Diabetes Research between European and Non-European Countries
Application deadline: 01/03/15
General description:

EFSD and Sanofi foster collaboration between clinical researchers in Europe and their colleagues working in named non-European countries – this year they are Brazil, India, Gulf States, Korea, and Mexico. Funds 100,000 Euro/1 yr. 

Source: Foreign
Budget: 100,000 Euro/1 yr.
Number of research years: 1
Contact person: Robi, 2152,
Fields: Life Sciences and medicine
Type of fund: The fund is not a competitive fund
Related fund and profiles: European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes - EFSD ,Access available for Technion staff. Please sign in to see the Agency profiles (upper left corner)