Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association (DEBRA): International Research Grants

Name: Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association (DEBRA): International Research Grants
Application deadline: 01/03/15
General description:

Current research priorities: biology and genetics of all forms of EB, new approaches to diagnose and treat EB, development of therapies (including possible gene-therapies, cell-therapies, drug therapies or protein therapies), the nature of wound healing and the development of skin cancer in EB and seek to develop better treatments and prevention strategies, clinical care research to improve the management of EB through symptom relief. Funding: typically €80K/year for up to 3 years.


Source: Foreign
Budget: Funding: typically €80K/year for up to 3 years.
Number of research years: 3 - 5
Contact person: Robi, 2152, robertg@tx.technion.ac.il; Michal, 1745, michall@trdf.technion.ac.il
Fields: Life Sciences and medicine
Type of fund: The fund is not a competitive fund
Related fund and profiles: DEBRA International ,Access available for Technion staff. Please sign in to see the Agency profiles (upper left corner)