Leukemia Research Foundation - LRF

Funding Profiles

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The LRF goals are to conquer leukemia, lymphoma, and myelodysplastic syndromes while enriching the quality of life of those touched by these diseases.
The LRF exclusively funds New Investigators - individuals who are beginning to establish their own laboratories and are no longer under the tutelage of a senior scientist mentor.  Providing one year grants to selected New Investigator researchers, allows innovative scientists to act on their ideas, and try new procedures and experiments that will hopefully lead to significant breakthroughs.

Contact information:

Phone: 847-424-0600 or 888-558-5385
Fax: 847-424-0606
e-mal: info@LRFmail.org

The fund is not a competitive fund
web site: http://www.leukemia-research.org/page.aspx?pid=183