Cure SMA

Funding Profiles

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Cure SMA leads the way to a world without spinal muscular atrophy, the number one genetic cause of death for infants. We fund and direct comprehensive research that drives breakthroughs in treatment and care, and we provide families the support they need for today. 

Our Values


Our commitment to a treatment and cure is not just about seeking solutions—it’s also about creating them. We’re working with some of today’s sharpest minds to advance a diversity of approaches and champion the most promising discoveries and methods.


As relentlessly as we pursue a treatment and cure, we are also strategic. We know the fastest way to a future without SMA is to take a comprehensive, unbiased approach to research and maintain a balance of optimism and realism.


Our community is everything to us. We would not have made it this far in our fight without the invaluable contributions of our researchers, doctors, and families. Together, we are—and always will be—stronger than SMA.


There is no “right way” to live with a disease like spinal muscular atrophy. Every person’s experience is different, and it’s every family’s right to decide what SMA means for them. 


Thanks to the Cure SMA community, no person is ever alone in facing this disease. We offer unconditional support to people affected by SMA and communicate openly and honestly, giving them clear and accurate information.


Our work is not done until we have a treatment and cure, and we’ll remain strong in our fight no matter what challenges come our way.

Contact information:

National office at 800.886.1762 or email 

Our mailing address is Cure SMA, 925 Busse Rd, Elk Grove Village, IL, 60007.

The fund is not a competitive fund
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