Care for Rare Foundation

Funding Profiles

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The Care-for-Rare foundation was founded so that children suffering from rare diseases can gain quicker access to modern genetic diagnoses and innovative therapeutic methods. As opposed to other humanitarian initiatives the Care-for-Rare Foundation is unique in that it combines giving children with rare diseases the care they need, with research aimed at understanding the underlying processes behind the diseases and so allowing for the development of new treatments.

Contact information:

Main Office:

Berblingerstraße 31
D-88471 Laupheim
Telefon: +49(0)7392-964911
Telefax : +49(0)7392-9649-29

Administrative Office:

Direktion der Kinderklinik
Dr. von Hauner´sches Kinderspital

Lindwurmstraße 4
D-80337 München
Telefon: +49 (0) 89-51 60-7700
Telefax: +49 (0) 89-51 60-7702


The fund is not a competitive fund
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