Paul G. Allen Family Foundation

Funding Profiles

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The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, founded in 1988 by Paul Allen and his sister Jody Allen, has invested nearly half of a billion dollars into improving communities throughout the Pacific Northwest and beyond.
Our purpose is to light up the world with meaningful change, starting close to home and moving around the globe. We want our work to fund field-changing research. To give first-time entrepreneurs the tools to rewrite their futures. To enable artists to make sense of the complexities of our world.
But this kind of change is unmapped. It requires a willingness to take chances, and take them often. We already know what proven ideas can do. It’s the unproven ones we’re interested in. Unrealized potential is the difference between predictably good results and a powerful ripple effect.
This is why we are dedicated to taking risks, both big and small. We partner with organizations that have brave, creative leadership. We thoughtfully seek causes that aren’t the obvious ones. The curious initiatives. The unconventional perspectives. The incredible and unexpected ideas.
We partner with exceptional nonprofits who are bold enough to not only change the world—but reinvent it.

Contact information:

The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation
505 5th Avenue South, Suite 900
Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: 206.342.2030
Fax: 206.342.3030

The fund is not a competitive fund
web site: